Gisele Prata Real Gisele Prata Real

Artistic name: Gisele Prata

Academic formation: Surgeon dentist

Artistic formation:

- Course of sandsculpture with Pedro Germi - 1973/1974

- Researches and self studies

- "The art of making arts" course given by Luis Carvalho Junior in June, 1999

- Course of masks by Gilson de Melo Barros in September, 2001

- Work with sculptors in sand, bronze, clay, cellular concrete, soapstone, resins, petrified sand.


Artistic activities:

- Selected to represent Brazil in the World Championship of Sandsculpture carried through in Federal Way - Washington, United States of America in September of 2010. She made the sculpture “Abracadabra”.

- Participation in the International Sand Sculptures Festival - FIESA 2010 - Portugal - May of 2010.

- Scene of a dentist’s office made in sand for the National Campaign of Prevention and Diagnosis of Buccal Cancer, created in Santos - São Paulo, Brazil, April of 2010.

- A large sand sculpture with the Kingston symbol created on the coast of Rio de Janeiro and the North coast of São Paulo - January of 2010.

- Mar del Plata/Argentina - Sculptures crafted in an international event organized by Prosandart for Movistar, an Argentina Telephone Company - February of 2010.

- A grand sand sculpture portraying Leonardo da Vinci's “The Last Supper” created during the Holy Week and finished on Easter Sunday. Gisele Prata Real and four other sculptors crafted the artwork at Enseada beach in Guarujá, and the project was sponsored by the Guarujá Municipal City Hall - April of 2010.

- Sandsculpture made in the Shopping center CITTI-PARK in the city of Kiel - Germany, it showed personages of the film "The Lord of the rings" and the figure of an indian - July 2009.

- Participation as an invitation, of the International Competition of Saandsculptures in the city of Leipzig - Germany, in June 2009 representing Brazil.

- Participation in the exposition of the Feminine Academy of Sciences - Letters and Arts of Santos, in homage to the year of France in Brazil, which happened in the French Alliance Santos - SP, with sculpture in honor of Edith Piaf in the centenarian of her birth - June 2009.

- Performance of sculpture in the international exposition “Fragile Art - Resistant”, as a part of the official calendar in commemoration of the Year of France in Brazil, in the Museum of Art Contemporary of
Sao Paulo - USP Ibirapuera. The sculpture composes the installation whose project is of the artist Laura Belém. From June 6th - 2009 to August 9th - 2009.

- Participation in the International Festival of Sandsculptures - FIESA 2009, which happened in Portugal Algarve.

- Project of playful painting on the walls of the Ready Infantile Aid of Cubatão, with the participation of children of the City; the proposal was to bring kindness during the attendance in the unit, in April 5th, 2009.

- Collective exposition in the Sindiart - Gallery of the Union of the "Odontologistas de Santos - SP", from April 2nd - 2009 until April 16th - 2009.

- Performance of sandsculptures in the event of BRAHMA, in February 2009, Great Beach.

- Sculpture of the great scene of the Sacred Family, in the giant sand nativity scene in São João da Madeira Portugal, in December of 2008.

- Participation, as an invitation, in the event “Permanent-Transitory”, hold in SESC Santos, from 15/11/2008 until 14/12/2008, with sculpture which shows a man who frequented the entity regularly portraied in sand.

- Participation on the International Festival of Sand Sculpture in Portugal – 6th edition

- Participation in the International Festival of Sculpture in Japan of 2008 – 20th edition

- Making of sandsculptures as decoration of Christmas in the Complex of Hotels of the Costa do Sauípe, in Salvador/Bahia, for event of Odebrecht Constructor - December 2007.

- Accomplishment of sandsculptures as decoration of Sesc Bertioga -November of 2007.

- Individual exposition of sculptures and pictures achieved in the Association of the Surgeons Dentists of Santos, São Vicente and Region of the Coast of the Atlantic Forest.

- The Association of the Surgeons Dentists of Santos, São Vicente and Region of the Coast of the Atlantic Forest, made a homage to the sculptress Gisele (also surgery-dentist) in recognition of the success reached with her art.

- Participation in the 1st. Festival of Sandsculpture of São Paulo, by Abyara Constructor - September/ October 2007.

– Participation in an Event of sculptures in Venice (by worldwide Sand Sculpture Services). - Italy, 2007.

– Participation at the FIESA, achieved at Algarve (June of 2007 – as the representative of Brazil).

– Interview  with  the repórter Joana Prado, of the Programme Pra Valer, of Bandeirantes TV, showing step by step the making of a sand sculpture.. This work was executed in Caraguatatuba – S.P.- February, 2007.

– Participation in a collective exposition of the Feminine Academy of Sciences, Literatures and Arts of Santos, achieved in the Principal Hall of  Santos University.

– Achievement of the sculpture of sand (replica of a luxury condominium) throwed by the Klabin Segall Builder, in Astúrias Beach, Guarujá – S.P.
The sculpture in a big dimension (1,80 m of height, representing the playground  area, with a swimming pool and a tennis square) remained in exposure during one month, attracting a big public and was target of media in lowland of Santos.

– By the  occasion of  the commemoration of the Centenary of channels in Santos, she propounded, to the municipal City Hall, a project of sculpture in steel that was appreciated  by the commission and chosen to be a “Landmark of the Centenary of Channels in Santos”.  It will be inaugurated in the middle of 2007,  in a junction of the Ana Costa Avenue with the Channel 1.- November, 2006.

– During the commemoration of the “Week of Mouth’s Health of Cubatão”,  she made a big sandsculpture  representing the infant’s personages of the primer of  Mouth’s Health used by the Technician Group of Mouth’s  Health of this town as a way of information to the students.

– Participation in a Collective Exposition of the Feminine Academy of  Sciences, Literatures and Arts of Santos, called “The channels of Santos”, achieved  at the Principal Hall of Prodesan. - October, 2006

– Participation in an Event of sculptures in Jesolo (by worldwide Sand Sculpture Services). - Italy, 2006.

– Decoration of Floresta`s Center Shopping, in Lisbon, with a sculpture  made of sand. - Portugal, 2006.

– Participation at FIESA 2006 – Internacional Festival of Sand Sculpture. Algarve, Portugal.

– Participation at the Meeting of Sculptors of Valladolid – Spain 2005.

– Participation of an Collective Exposition of Painting, Sculpture and Art of Fire, from  the Academics of the Feminine Academy of Sciences, Literatures and Arts of Santos,  at  Principal Hall of Prodesan, in Santos. September, 2005.

– Participation at the International Festival of Sand Sculpture, achieved at Algarve (from April to May of 2004 as the representative of Brazil).

– Her sculpture “The Boy with Mary, his mother” was chosen as a symbol of religious job Mary´s House, in Goiás – Brazil.

– This same sculpture was solicited to be a part of a campaign of Abramet (Brazilian Association of Traffic Medicine) in 2004.

– Realization of sand sculptures and workshop for the Rede TV channel,  in the summer’s ring, in Guarujá, in January, 2004

– Realization, with a group of sculptors, of a   Promotional Campaign in the beach of Santos for the insecticide SBP, emphasizing the Combat against the disease DENGUE, where they made a sculpture of  a  mosquito Aedes Aegypt, in a giant size.

– Individual Exposition called “Sculptures in Many Techniques”, achieved in October of 2004 at the Sindiart´s Gallery of the Syndicate of Dentists of Santos.

– Accomplishment of Christmas shopwindowm decoration made of sand " Front Line" store (Shopping Center in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, in November, 2002) together with her team. This shopwindown won 1º prize of Chirstmas Decoration Contest held by Campo Grande City Hall.

– Member of Judge Commission of works of Poster Contest "Sorriso Feliz" (Happy Smile) held by Cubatão City hall during Mouth Health Week from October 21 to 25, 2002.

– Coordination and member of the judge commission of Sandsculpture Contest promoted by  A TRIBUNA  newspaper, in Santos, on January 25 and 26, 2002.

– Accomplishment, together a team of more than 5 sculptors, of thebiggest theme park of sandsculpture about Jesus' birth, in Paulínia - São Paulo. It`s the largest Nativity scene in sand of Latin America. The set consists of 8 sceneries based on Biblical passages, settled in an area of 1,100 m² using about 300 tons of sand (December, 2001).

– Participation of  "Programa Livre", hosted by Baby (SBT TV channel) on September 8, 2001, showing the sandsculptures during the TV program.

– Special guest at IV the Week Fernando Furlaneto held by São Jõa da Boa Vista, São Paulo, from April 28 to May 18, 2001 - to promote lectures and sandsculpture workshop.

– Member of Judge Commission of Sandsculpture Contest held by Santos City hall on February 11, 2001.

– Member of Judge Commission of Christimas shopwindow Contest of Litoral Plaza Shopping in December, 2000.

– Made of Litoral Plaza Shopping Trophy Shopping for shopwindow Contest, which was mentioned above.

– Sculptor of the team which performed unknown Christimas decoration of Litoral Plaza Shopping Center events, where all the plaza was occupied by sandsculptures in natural size, setting 5 Christimas. Note: this was the first time that the most of the sandsculptures (were made of 70 tons of sand) were held in a Shopping Center in Brazil.

– Member of Judge Commission of Sandsculptures Contest held by Santos  City Hall in February, 2000.

– Participation in a mega event "BRASIL 500 ANOS DE ESCULTURA EM AREIA" (Brasil 500 years of sandsculpture), with a team of 10 selected sculptors. It`s was  held in Itararé beach, São Vicente - São Paulo, from October 18, 1999 to March 1 , 2001. It was about a public cultural project, celebrating the 500 anniversary of Discovery. It´s a mega monument with about 300 sculptures showing sceneries of the main historical monuments and settled in a monumental base with 112 meters lengths, 63 meters width and 6 meters height. The event had worldwide repercussion and was viseted by thousands of people. It was the biggest event of the world, such as in size as in exposition time.

– Gisele held the sculptures that had composed the Slavery Abolition and Indians Converted sceneriesby Anchieta priest. Also in the relative area to pay homage to Brazil`s great children, such as Pelé`s sculpture, the King of Soccer.

– Accomplishment os sculpture picturing " Príncipe dos Trovadores do Brazil" ( The Prince of Minstrels in Brazil ) - Luis Otávio.Three Luis Otávio`s busts were given tp the honoured ones on the occasion of the XIII Jogos Florais in Santos (2000) , promoted by Municipal Secretary of Culture of Santos and with the coordination of the Brazilian Union of Ministrels - in the Santos` Section on Setember 17, 2000.

– Participation on the Arts show of the XI event of the serie" Brazsil 500 anos - Mulher" (Brazil 500 years - Woman), held by the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts of Santos, in the Gallery  " Nelson Penteado de Andrade ", in Santos, from June 20 to 30, 2000.

– Participation of the Arts show of the event " A Mulher nas Artes Plásticas" (A Woman in the Plastic Arts), of the serie "Brasil 500 anos - Mulher", in the Catholic University in Santos, on June 19, 2000, with the work "Brasil 500 anos - Mulher", in bronze and marble.

– Donation of the sculpture " Tributo à bailarina" to the auction in favor of the campaign for the acquisition of the Steinway piano for Cultural Expansion Center of Santos, in May, 2000.

– Participation of the soap opera " Mulheres of Areia", on TV Tupi channel, with the elaboration of sculptures for presentation on the soap opera.



- Brás Cubas award, distinguish professionals which are detached in many areas of actuation

– Honorable mention in the Academic category of II Plastic Arts Hall of Elos Club in Santos, with the work "Excluído", held from August 1 to 6, 2000, in the Cultural Center "Patrícia Galvão".

– 1st place in the Sculpture category at Salão Primavera  de Artes Plásticas held by Club XV in Santos, in September(1999), with the sculpture "Alicerce Vital", in bronze.
Gisele com 14 anos
– 2nd place in general classification of the same hall.

– 1st place in Classified Test of the XI Sandsculptures Contest held in Caraguatatuba, in 1977, by Air France, with the work  "Carregando o Mundo".

– Medal of Honor in the XI the Sandsculptures Contest held by Air France with the work  "Monstro do Pântano", in Guarujá (February, 1975).

– 1st place in Classified Test of the IX Sandsculptures Contest held by Air France in November, 1974.

– The work "Cristo" was the 1st place in the eliminatory for the VIII Sandsculptures Contest, promoted by Air France. The test was held in Ponta da Praia, Santos, in January (1974), with 76 participants.

– Medal of Honor in the Sandsculptures Contest, held in Guarujá and promoted by Air France.

– Medal of Honor in the I Litoral Paulista Contest of Sandsculptures held at Itararé beach, São Vicente - São Paulo with the work "Adão e Eva".


Nationality: Brazilian

Birthplace: Santos - SP

0(xx)13 32896219   cel. 013  97761538 .

Rua Dr. Luiz de Farias 92 apto 501 – Santos – S. P.  CEP 11060-481 - Brazil
